
Why are toroidal transformers used in medical equipment?

Medical devices require a highly accurate and reliable power supply, so it is very common to use toroidal transformers in medical devices. Here are some reasons:

Low leakage flux: The magnetic circuit of the toroidal transformer is composed of a toroidal core, which makes the transformer's leakage flux very small. Leakage flux refers to the part of the magnetic field that escapes from the main magnetic circuit of the transformer, which can cause electromagnetic interference and safety hazards. Since the leakage flux of the toroidal transformer is very small, it can reduce the risk of electromagnetic interference and play a role in safety isolation in medical devices.

Low noise: The magnetic circuit of the toroidal transformer is closed, which makes the transformer noise very small. In medical devices, it is necessary to minimize the impact of noise on patients, so the use of toroidal transformers can effectively reduce noise.

Good temperature stability: The temperature stability of the toroidal transformer is very good and can work over a wide temperature range. In medical devices, it is necessary to ensure the stability and reliability of the power supply, so it is very important to choose a toroidal transformer with good temperature stability.

Small size: The toroidal transformer is very small and can be easily integrated into other medical devices. In medical devices, it is necessary to minimize the size and weight of the equipment, so the use of a small toroidal transformer can effectively reduce the size and weight of the equipment.

Safety isolation: Toroidal transformers can achieve safety isolation through their special design and working principle. In medical equipment, the safety and reliability of the power supply need to be guaranteed, so it is very important to choose a toroidal transformer that can achieve safety isolation.

In summary, medical equipment requires a highly accurate and reliable power supply, so it is very common to use toroidal transformers in medical equipment. Toroidal transformers have the advantages of low leakage flux, low noise, good temperature stability, small size and safety isolation, which can meet the high requirements of medical equipment for power supply.

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